The purpose of this app is to help you improve your financial position. This will improve your ability to take advantage of the opportunities life presents you with.
Having money definitely doesn't buy you happiness, but it does remove a lot of things that cause unhappiness.
Once you are able to see how your income, expenses and lifestyle are tied together, you will be able to make better financial decisions for you.
This app provides you with clear and accurate information, about your income and expenses, in a way that allows you to think about them holistically.
This app does that by creating a cash flow table from your bank transactions, categorised your way, so you can quickly and easily determine if you are spending your money wisely.
The cash flow table below illustrates that it is quicker and easier to obtain the important information by looking at a cash flow table rather than a long list of transactions (eg bank statement). This means you can spend more time thinking about your financial decisions.
Look at the cash flow table below and see how quickly you can answer the questions listed.
The top line contains the totals per month, the right hand side is the total of the line. So it's $2,504.11.
The top line shows the totals per month reducing.
My last payment went out in December.
Yes I did.
Now that you can clearly see where all your money comes and goes, because you have it clearly split out in a cash flow table, it's time to carefully consider if you are using your money wisely.
A good way to think about those decisions is use the following formula.
income = cost of living + fun money + rainy day savings + long term investments
Obviously you want to increase your income and reduce your cost of living. It's easy to get all happy at the prospect of earning more money, but if you look at the formula you can see that earning an extra dollar will have exactly the same effect on your life as saving a dollar.
The reason you want to have your loan repayments as part of your cost of living is to encourage you to save for things rather than take out a loan to cover it.
As your income and expenses are clear, you can think carefully about how you can reduce your expenses without reducing your enjoyment of life, and if you think about it long enough you can determine which lifestyle changes you can make to improve your life and your finances.
The first time you use this app, it's very likely you will be horrified at how much you spend on stuff you no longer use, and how many poor decisions you have made.
This is also the point of this app. Stop paying for things you no longer use, and acknowledge all of those poor decisions as learning opportunities.
Learning how to manage your money well is a process, you need to allocate time each month to do it. The more you do it, the better at it you will become and this app will provide you the resources you need to become really good at it.
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If you want to see how easy it is to create the cash flow table above from sample transactions using this app, then follow the steps below.
This personal finance app is designed to be used by anyone in any country, you can set your country as part of the sign up process.