How to implement YOUR cash flow table.

How to Implement Your Cash Flow Table

The Challenges

  1. Data Sourcing: The challenge of getting your cash flows has been resolved by your bank. On their website they will allow you to download your transactions to your computer.

    This is really useful as in today's "tap and go" world an average person has an average of 2000 to 5000 transactions per year.

  2. Data Processing: Each one of those transactions will need to be added up and placed into the correct cell in the table.

I have a solution
I have a solution

The Data Processing Solution

You need a solution that is a quick and easy way of putting together a cash flow table from your bank transactions, that is also.

  • Safe and Secure, so your data is not at risk.
  • Easy to use, no software installed on your machine.
  • Preferably web based. That way you can view the table anywhere, so you have more time to consider your insights.
  • Accurate, not something you have to build and test yourself.

We Got You!

Our app has all these features. It allows you to upload your transactions, create rules to apply the hierarchies interactively, and displays an accurate cash flow table.

Using the app will save time putting together the cash flow table, allowing you to spend more time thinking about the results.

So if you want a safe and easy way to convert your cash flows (bank transactions) into an easy to understand cash flow table, then let's get started.

Thinking time, aka head space.